Friday, January 20, 2012

First Blog Ever

I just wanted to try this out. I figure maybe I can help those who are struggling in the same areas as me.

First, I have a son, Jonah, who was born without his cerebellum. The cerebellum mainly controls balance and coordination. We found out when through an MRI when he was 6 months old. God has been so good to us! The prognosis of his condition, to this day, are still unknown. But he has exceeded many of the expectations of the doctors. He can't walk, yet, and he struggles with sitting but cognitively and socially/emotionally he's pretty much there. It takes him more practice than orbs kids but he gets it.

I have been struggling with the though of God healing my son. I want God to heal him and I KNOW God can heal him, but my faith? I'm lacking. I do not see God yet I believe. Why is it so much more difficult to believe he can fully heal my son? God is teaching me. God has been so good to us! God has always provided when we needed it, or rather when we had the faith. I'm now realizing faith has EVERYTHING to do with our relationship with God! So I keep going and I know that God will one day heal my son. In his timing.

Romans 14:23

"But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin."

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